API Explorer

BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0 (134 APIs)


Get Accounts Statement Tranactions by AccountId and StatementId

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0


JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "Meta":{ "FirstAvailableDateTime":{ }, "TotalPages":0 }, "Links":{ "Last":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Prev":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Next":"http://example.com/aeiou", "First":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Self":"http://example.com/aeiou" }, "Data":{ "Transaction":[{ },{ }] } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0, function_name: by accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdTransactionsGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdTransactionsGet Tags: Statements, Mocked-Data,

Get Accounts Statement by AccountId and StatementId

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0


JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "Meta":{ "FirstAvailableDateTime":{ }, "TotalPages":0 }, "Links":{ "Last":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Prev":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Next":"http://example.com/aeiou", "First":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Self":"http://example.com/aeiou" }, "Data":{ "Statement":[{ },{ }] } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0, function_name: by accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdGet Tags: Statements, Mocked-Data,

Get Accounts Statements File by AccountId and StatementId

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0


JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0, function_name: by accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdFileGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountsAccountIdStatementsStatementIdFileGet Tags: Statements, Mocked-Data,

Get Accounts Statements by AccountId

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "Meta":{ "FirstAvailableDateTime":{ }, "TotalPages":0 }, "Links":{ "Last":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Prev":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Next":"http://example.com/aeiou", "First":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Self":"http://example.com/aeiou" }, "Data":{ "Statement":[{ },{ }] } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0, function_name: by accountsAccountIdStatementsGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountsAccountIdStatementsGet Tags: Statements, Mocked-Data,

Get Statements

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

Authentication is Mandatory

JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "Meta":{ "FirstAvailableDateTime":{ }, "TotalPages":0 }, "Links":{ "Last":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Prev":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Next":"http://example.com/aeiou", "First":"http://example.com/aeiou", "Self":"http://example.com/aeiou" }, "Data":{ "Statement":[{ },{ }] } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0, function_name: by statementsGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-statementsGet Tags: Statements, Mocked-Data,